[Mojolicious] Pg::PubSub in full application
2018-11-23 16:16:56 UTC

I have previously used lite based applications and am starting to get
familiar with full applications.   I have been struggling to understand
how to implement Pg::PubSub across different parts of my application.  
My questions probably apply to any publish/subscribe implementation.  I
have things working (messages are received by the controller) however it
feels messy to me.

I have code like this in the controller:

package TelemControl::Controller::Main;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

use Mojo::Pg;
use Mojo::Pg::PubSub;

our $pg = Mojo::Pg->new('postgresql://script@/db');
our $pubsub = Mojo::Pg::PubSub->new(pg => $pg);

in the controller client handler:

    my $cb = $pubsub->listen(
        sensor_msg => sub {
            my ( $pubsub, $payload ) = @_;
            my $msg = decode_json($payload);
            $c = $c->send( { json => $msg } );
                "item to let client know about (pubsub): $msg->{type}");

In my model:

sub new {
    my ($class, $log, $config) = @_;

    my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new('postgresql://script@/db')
        or $log->error('Could not connect to database');

    my $pubsub =  Mojo::Pg::PubSub->new(pg => $pg);

    my $self = {
        log => $log,
        config => $config,
        pubsub => $pubsub,
        pg     => $pg,

    bless $self, $class;

    return $self;

and then publish like this:

$self->{pubsub}->notify( sensor_msg => encode_json($results[0]) );


-   Is there a better approach to this?   It would seem like with the
way I did the controller every client that connects may bring up an
additional database connection?  Or is it bad for other reasons?

-  I tried various ways to inject the pubsub into model and controllers
(e.g. helpers) but could not get that to work.    Do I need to try
harder on that front?


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2018-11-23 16:24:45 UTC
Please avoid using Mojo::Pg::PubSub for now. It is broken and on the
verge of getting deprecated.


I've been meaning to do it two weeks ago, but members of the
community have asked me to wait and give them a chance to fix it.
Unfortunately that has not happened, so it's likely going away soon.

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2018-11-24 17:09:21 UTC
Post by sri
Please avoid using Mojo::Pg::PubSub for now. It is broken and on the
verge of getting deprecated.
I've been meaning to do it two weeks ago, but members of the
community have asked me to wait and give them a chance to fix it.
Unfortunately that has not happened, so it's likely going away soon.
This might now be resolved with the 4.12 release.


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Stefan Adams
2018-11-24 17:16:27 UTC
Post by sri
This might now be resolved with the 4.12 release.
Yay!! I'm so glad this didn't get deprecated!!
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2018-11-24 17:13:10 UTC
Post by john
I have previously used lite based applications and am starting to get
familiar with full applications. I have been struggling to understand
how to implement Pg::PubSub across different parts of my application.
You don't implement anything. Just use Mojo::Pg like in the blog example
and then in your controllers "$c->pg->pubsub->...". That's the whole
reason it exists.

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2018-11-24 17:14:03 UTC
... like in the blog example...
Forgot the link.


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